Retro vibes... Cutting-edge results.

Are you in a band that books live gigs? Perhaps you crack jokes on stage as a profession / hobby? Maybe your daughter got cast as a "tree" in her school play? Those artistic performances can either live on in the crowd's memory after it's all over (or on a shaky camera phone video), or you can share it with the world through a professional multicam recording or live-streamed presentation!
Whether it's a small intimate venue with folding chairs, or a massive concert hall that seats thousands, we're the go-to vendor for all types of live and pre-recorded stage performances. Not only can we setup various camera angles and shot sizes to capture the entire event, but we can edit the footage to focus on whatever you feel is most important at any given time.
Since every type of performance has very different logistics involved, we can easily build a custom package to fit your own specific needs. Click on the "MORE INFO" ticket button and tell us how we can help your project come to life!